General Dentistry

Here at Dental Essence our specialists and general dentists work as a team to manage your oral health well being. Our treatments are provided by dentists with many years of experience and continued education. Furthermore we work closely with trusted specialists in the fields of oral surgery, periodontics, orthodontics and endodontics. 

We provide 3 broad areas of services. The first are preventive services. These services help in maintaining good oral health by preventing disease before it affects your mouth. Next, restorative services. If a problem is diagnosed, we ensure that you get timely and appropriate treatment. Third, cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. These are treatments that help you regain or get that sparkling smile you’ve always wanted. 

Here are some of the services that are provided in general dentistry:

  • Scaling & Polishing – This routine service involves the removal of tartar and plaque deposits that build up on your teeth over a period of time. It will also remove the stains caused caused by tea, coffee or red wine
  • Tooth Fillings – Non mercury fillings are used to treat cavities that are damaged from decay and repair teeth that are chipped or broken caused by teeth grinding, nail biting or trauma
  • Wisdom Teeth – Your wisdom teeth or third molars are your last teeth to develop. They may not be properly aligned and this can result in an increased incidence of infection called pericoronitis.
  • Night Guards and dental splints– Night guards and dental splints are used over your teeth to avoid injury or trauma from teeth clenching or grinding when you sleep..
  • Digital Radiographs – We use digital radiography to minimise radiation exposure to our patients. The results are also immediate for diagnosis.