Dental Implants Complete Guide

A Complete Guide To Dental Implants

Do you or do you know someone who would like to know more about dental implants? Having a missing tooth or teeth due to blunt force trauma or tooth decay can definitely be a cause for concern. Besides taking a toll on one’s self esteem, missing teeth can also impair one’s speech as well as the ability to break food down properly. That is where dental implants come in. Not only do they help to fill in the gaps, but they also help to maintain the placement and structural integrity of your other teeth over time. To help you understand this procedure better, here is all you need to know about getting dental implants in Singapore.


What are dental implants?

Fundamentally, dental implants serve as prosthetic substitutes for missing teeth. They were invented in 1952 by an orthopedic surgeon from Sweden known as Per-Ingvar Brånemark. Unlike dental bridges and dentures, dental implants provide a more long term solution in the replacement of missing teeth.

How do dental implants work?

In essence, a dental implant consists of 3 key components: the implant screw, the connector and the artificial implant tooth.

  1. The Implant Screw: Made of medical-grade titanium, the implant screw serves as the “root” of the prosthetic tooth. It is affixed surgically into the jawbone underneath your gums. After several months, this titanium fixture will then fuse with your natural jawbone via a natural process known as osseointegration.
  2. The Connector: The implant connector fits perfectly into the screw and serves to support, secure and uphold the structure of the prosthetic tooth.
  3. The Prosthetic Tooth: Also known as a crown, the prosthetic or implant tooth is typically made of a ceramic or medical-grade metal material. This gives the artificial tooth a more natural appearance and helps it to blend in seamlessly with the natural teeth.

Overall, the successful integration of a dental implant rests on the compatibility of these 3 components. That, and how well they fuse with your natural gums and jawbone.

Who can get them?

In general, anyone with a missing tooth who would like to improve their oral function and aesthetics can opt for dental implants. Additionally, here is a checklist one can go through to increase the success rate of the dental implant procedure:

  1. In good general health and is not currently undergoing chemotherapy
  2. Has good oral hygiene and healthy gums to support a dental implant
  3. Not currently suffering from chronic bruxism or temporomandibular joint disorder
  4. Not currently having a chronic disease like diabetes or osteoporosis that can hinder gum and bone healing
  5. Does not have a history of gum disease
  6. Has a bite that is balanced and well-aligned
  7. Does not smoke

On top of this checklist, it is also important to get a thorough dental consultation from an experienced dental surgeon to help assess your specific needs and requirements. 

What is the procedure like?

1. Consultation

As with all dental procedures, this one begins with a consultation and assessment of the current condition of your teeth, gums and jawbone. Additionally, we will also be going through your dental and medical records to ensure that everything is in order. Besides that, there are also several things to consider before prescribing dental implants. This includes the number of missing teeth you have, the current alignment of your teeth as well as the balance of your bite. We will also have to strategically plan the placement of your dental implant to ensure that it settles in seamlessly into your gums and bone structure. Once we have done a thorough assessment and examination, we will then need to determine if your case is a straightforward or complex one. Usually, more complex cases will require additional procedures such as advanced CT bone scans, bone and gum grafts or even IV sedation and hospitalization.

2. Devising a treatment plan

Next, we will help to come up with several treatment plan options for you to choose from. We will also share a breakdown of the costs and point out any possible risks and complications that may arise from each of these treatment options. Before proceeding with any dental surgical procedure, it is a requisite for our patients to sign a detailed consent form. This is to ensure that they are fully aware of the risks and side effects of surgical dental treatments.

3. Surgical implant procedure

Once you decide to proceed with a dental implant procedure, we can proceed with the treatment. Prior to the surgery, you will be given either a local anesthesia, IV sedation or a general anesthesia depending on the complexity of your case. Then, we can either implement the surgical insertion freehand or follow a computer-generated guide. Furthermore, other procedures that we can implement simultaneously with implant insertion include gum/bone grafting or sinus augmentation.

4. Fitting the crown

Now, we will have to wait for up to 6 months for your implant to fuse together with your jawbone. Once your gums have healed nicely and the osseointegration is complete, we can proceed with the crowning stage. Before that, we will take a dental impression to develop a suitable prosthetic tooth for the final stage of your treatment. Once ready, your implant tooth will be screwed onto the dental implants and secured with dental cement. Finally, we will check your bite and teeth alignment to ensure that everything is in order.

Types of dental implants

Single tooth

This is the most common form of dental implants. It is suitable if you are only missing a single tooth and the procedure should be quite straightforward. Besides, all we will need is one implant and a crown to replace the lost tooth and its accompanying root.

How much do they cost in Singapore?

Currently, the average cost of a dental implant in Singapore falls anywhere between $3,500 and $6,000 per implant. This is if your case is fairly routine and straightforward. However, do take note that this price range is not inclusive of consultation, X-rays, your treatment plan and medication. Additionally, the cost of your implants can also vary depending on the complexity of the case, the experience of your dental surgeon and even the clinic you go to. Sometimes, the total cost of a dental implant can go up to as high as $10,000 to $15,000 due to ad-hoc procedures like sinus augmentation or gum and bone grafting. Since dental implants can be quite costly, it is always best to do your research beforehand and consider your options thoroughly before making a decision. Remember, your comfort and safety always comes first.

Frequently asked questions

Here, we will be answering some of the most common questions we get from our patients.

1. Do dental implants hurt?

As this procedure involves surgically inserting a titanium implant into the jawbone, we cannot guarantee a completely painless experience without the use of general anesthesia or IV sedation. However, a dental implant procedure can be a quick and painless one for more routine and straightforward cases. At the same time, any pain or discomfort you may feel during and after the procedure is subject to the following factors:

  • The qualifications and experience of the dental surgeon
  • The type of anesthesia we use
  • The number of implants you require
  • Your individual pain tolerance
  • The proximity of your implants to nearby nerve clusters
  • Additional procedures, if any
  • Medication given post-treatment

2. What is the success rate? And how long do dental implants last?

The success rate of a dental implant in Singapore is between 95% to 98%. To increase your chances of success further, it is important to identify any potential risks during the early stages of your consultation and treatment plan. Moreover, your implants are designed to last for the rest of your life while a prosthetic tooth can last up to 10 years. Hence, it is imperative that you take care of your implants and crowns properly post-treatment to keep them in good shape.

Here is a guideline that you can follow to maintain the longevity of your implants and crowns:

  • Do not smoke as this can accelerate tooth decay and gum disease
  • Maintain excellent oral hygiene
  • Make healthy lifestyle choices and avoid hard foods like whole almond nuts, rock candy and ice cubes
  • Have a dental checkup regularly
  • Check to ensure that you do not have an ongoing case of bruxism (teeth-grinding)

3. What should I do to take care of my implants post-procedure?

After dental implant surgery, it is essential that you follow a meticulous oral hygiene routine, take all your prescribed medications and follow any post-procedure guidelines to the letter. Additionally, remember to avoid putting any pressure on your implants and to avoid biting down onto any hard foods. Should you experience a fever or any excessive bleeding and discomfort, visit your dental surgeon immediately.

4. If my dental implants don’t work out the first time, can I try again?

If an implant fails, we will remove it and reassess whether it is safe for you to try again. We will also analyze the cause of the failure and take it into consideration during the next dental implant attempt. Usually however, most dental surgeons will not proceed with a third attempt should the second one be unsuccessful.

5. How soon can I get a dental implant after I lose or extract a tooth?

It all really depends on your individual bone structure, teeth alignment and the complexity of your case. Some patients can get a dental implant immediately after an extraction, while others will need to wait between 2 to 6 months to get the green light. This is why we will usually assess it on a case by case basis.

6. Can I claim for insurance?

Most definitely! You can claim part of the cost of your dental implants with Medisave. However, do take note that each implant is only claimable up to a limit.